AX 2012 Manuals

Learning a new software system can feel overwhelming. You want to quickly get acquainted with new forms and understand your basic job functions. You want to know what buttons to push.

Much like a dictionary is a great source for understanding the definition of a word, Microsoft’s Dynamics AX manuals are a great resource for researching the program’s functionality. However, just like reading the dictionary will not teach you a language, reading a technical manual will not teach you a business process.

Dynamics AX Manuals simplify learning AX. The succinct videos and visual walkthroughs accelerate your ability to use AX by teaching the most important and commonly used features. Within a few lessons you will know the shortcuts and simple business processes, enabling you to handle the software comfortably.

You will know what buttons to push.

Find out more about the manuals currently available:

All manuals are FREE on the iBookstore.

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